Monday, July 5, 2010

Rain in the Philippines

Since its getting to rain a lot more these days (rainy season has begun).

Heres a few things that get affected during heavy rain:

Traffic - Increases a lot when its raining, seems almost instant, the moment a rain drop hits the ground everyone jumps into their cars and hit the road (or so it seems).

Electricity - Expect some brownouts in a heavy storm, most likely from either lightning causing a generator or transformer to blow out. Usually temporary though, but in heavy typhoons, it might be a few hours.

Internet - Internet usually becomes slower/ disconnected. My estimation for this is either the quality of the lines fitted (if some are damaged might cause water to get inside) either that or people are just unwilling to go out and use the net more causing slowness in service.

Flooding - Those in low lying areas can easily be affected by flooding, sometimes flash floods. Usually these are just inconvienient (making it difficult to go out/ get home), but sometimes they can be worse!


Taxi rates - In rain everyone wants a taxi, and taxi drivers know this.. everytime I've tried to get a taxi in the rain the rates were really high!

Buses - Buses are really really crowded in the rain, in fact if you're on EDSA especially its almost impossible to find a bus with seats if its rush hour.. I was once waiting at magallanes for a bus in the rain for 2 hours!!! I did manage to get one eventually but was almost crushed because of the amount of people on it, besides that i had a comfortable position stood right in front of the leaking doors.

A few tips for those in rain:

Goto 7-eleven - You can hang out there for a while until the rain dies down, you can eat, buy magazines..... and something which has saved me on more than one occassion is the fact that they have umbrellas for sale!!

Dry off when you get home - this may seem like common sense, but because of the temperature changes and the common use of electric fans in homes, as well as some factor of pollution contained in the rain, you'll be better off taking a shower and changing you're clothes. Many Filipinos have told me about getting sick from the rain, which has happened to me before.

Stay Dry!!

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